Tracked robot - the electronics

today i inhaled a good dose of solder fumes and got the board finnished.

i used a 0.5mm copper or brass rod to make the powerlines, the rest of the connection were made with wirewrap cable(30AWG).

the perfboard has square pads which i prefer over round pads because it is easier to connect 2 adjacent square pads.

the L293D 1,2EN & 3,4EN pins are pwm driven and the inputs 1A 2A 3A 4A determine the direction so 6 pins of the ATMEGA168 are used to drive the 2 motors.

battery voltage is fed to the ADC via a voltage divider and measured against the 1.1V internal aref.

the serial port is for programming via bootloader and debugging.

the servo and analog ports speak for themselves.



time to assemble the robot!

Good looking solder job!
Good looking solder job!