[TRACKED ROBOT] - newbie and questions

Hi all,

new to this forum, my name is Laurent, I live in France so sorry for my english not as fluent as yours.

It’s my birthday today, and so is my first post on this cool forum !

I read posts after posts and saw robotics enthousiasts, this is nice ! so first thanks to all for your posting, which make beginners like me confident in my future in robotics.

I would be interested in the purchase of the Tri-track chassis from Lynxmotion, so I checked to find a reseller near me, unfortunately, currently in France, no one has this chassis in stock, but I found it in Active Robots in the UK.

So my question is related to Active Robots in the UK, did someone ordered from them, what are your thought about this shop ?

I saw on this forum many persons that have ordered from them, and it seems that nobody was left on the road after their orders.

In case this post is not in the correct category, please move it accordingly and my apologize.

Many thanks for your support


Your English is very good, I understood you perfectly, and unfortunately, I can’t be of much help with providing input on the stores reputation.

Welcome to the forums. I’m sure someone on here will be able to give you the information you need.

We have worked with Active Robots in the UK for many years. They are a great group of people. I highly recommend them.

Dear Jim and Mike,

thanks for your input, I’m really pleased.

I’ll wait until having some news and I’ll get back to this forum to push my impressions about this company.

Thanks again !


Dear Jim and Mike,

I just received all the stuff ordered from Active Robots, and all is absolutely fine.

So people whose are asking for a reliable shop within the EU will be really pleased to do some business with AR.

I agree with Jim on that topic, they are really great !

Thanks for your support/feedback.
