Tracked robot Mk3


- DC motors 250W, of ebay

- Tracks and wheels are from a snow blower (bought from a local hardware and machinery dealer)

- Aluminium frame is from local hardware store

- Motor controller 2x25 Sabertooth

- Remote controller Turnigy 9x

- 12V battery 18Ah


**** UPDATE (2016-10-23) ****

I finally found time to finnish this bad boy. It's a quite powerful beast for bashing around and also to do some useful and cool stuff with the pan/tilt and on board camera.

I already have new ideas for a new robot so (sadly) I will sold this one on ebay so I can buy new components for the new robot I will build during the winter.







**** UPDATE (2016-07-03) ****

I closed the super structure that will carry the pan/tilt mechanism. I also added the kill switch and voltage indicator. Now I have to make the mount for pan/tilt and also the electronics to make it work.






**** UPDATE (2016-06-18) ****

I painted the frame, added wooden panels to close it up and added a superstructure that covers the interior and will support the pan tilt mechansm. I also added a kill switch and battery voltage indicator.

Pan/Tilt mechanism





The biggest chalange I had was to couple the motor axle with the wheel. Luckly my friend is a metal fabricatior and he was able to custom made the axle mount. If you guys have any good ideas how to mount motor axles to wheels please let me know.


**** (2016-05-07) ****

First I did wooden frame to see the scale, examine possible motor positions and axle mount location.


Then I made aliminium frame with holes for motor mounting.


All the parts layed out.


Assembling in progress.




This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Looks great! It would be

Looks great! It would be great if you can add some details on its construction.

What motors did you used? Where did you buy them?

Congratulations on the project!

Thanks for the congrats

Sorry, I clicked “post project” too early by mistake. I’m writing the full descprotion as we speak.

Thanks for the details!It’s

Thanks for the details!

It’s a really great project!

And your house has an endless park! lol

Cool. Love the sound. Would

Cool. Love the sound. Would be neat to built slightly larger so you could ride it aka hoverboard or surfboard style.

Weather proofing?

Looking forward to seeing how you close the frame up. Given the size, it would be great to see what applications you use it for. Not sure if you have snow in your area, but would love to see a plow or snowblower mounted to the front. Also noticed an orange track frame in one of the images - what’s that?

No snow for now

We had snow few weeks ago, but sadly (NOT) it is now gone :slight_smile:

The “orange track frame” is my previous robot but I made it too heavy and bulky so it drains up the battery quite fast. But anyway, I’d like to put both robots on FPV and equip them with some paintball guns and then have a battle :wink:

And these are other two robots I made: - this one has some “bussiness” features ;) 




You are lucky to find those tracks and wheels from snow blower. I was looking for years but couldn’t find a good one. Nice bot!

Rubber Tracks

We hear you. We’re entering rubber tracks and sprockets now on RobotShop - should be visible in a week or two. We’ve always found tracks for robots to be hard to find and we’re doing our best.

It is so good to be at this

It is so good to be at this website.

That is really good to hear.
That is really good to hear. I’ve scoured the Internet looking for reasonably-priced tracks and sprocket sets, probably once/month. Never can find anything. Robotshop is always one of the places I wind up searching. I’ll be on the lookout for your new offerings.

Dang! You guys should have

Dang! You guys should have these earlier so I can save weeks work to hand made those tracks from bike chain. LOL



It’s nice to be able to see the size in person.


If you spot track systems elsewhere, feel free to bring them to our attention. The main issue is that there is only so much demand for a specific track length / size. A modular track system would be nice (use only what you need).

Custom tracks

I foud these