Tracked robot "EVR2"

Two gearmotors 24v, 120 rpm Construction: alluminium with anodiziring

This robot was designed in a program SolidWorks 2014.

I bought only rubber tracks and motors. Rubber tracks had designed in company from China. I chose just type of  the track and they did length which i need.

Gearwheels were made from copolymer (Coprolon). Wheels with power from motors has teeth , other wheels has no, they only bald.

First of all , my idea is modular conception of robot. Two tracks are singles. Each of them has their motor and frame. It can be installed on another base of robot. 

For adjustments of a length of tracks i made belt tensioner with springs. 

In the middle of the frame i made suspension bracket with two pair of bald wheels. 

For protection and good view i was ordered anodizing of frames after welding. Anodizing has thickness 20 microns.

  • Target environment: indorr and outdoor

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

More Info!

Don’t tease us like that… the robot looks really cool, so we’re looking forward to seeing something about how it’s built, what parts you used (especially the tracks and sprockets), and whatever else you’re willing to share.

I’m a big fan of tracked

I’m a big fan of tracked robots/vehicles. More details, please!


Where did you order the tracks? And what was the price?

Custom Machining

That’s a lot of custom parts and machining (which explains why it looks commercial). Really nice!