Well my lil 5v DC to DC
Well my lil 5v DC to DC power stepdown bit the dust today. Bad design, it was quarter sized and not enough material around the lil holes. Never could get a good bond and kept having to re-solder til today when the corners broke off and left no electrical pad for my wires to connect to.
Still trying to decipher the PDE and CPP file but i did figure out a 12 step ripple gait out today. let me know what you think.
12 step ripple gait.
1st leg up and rotate forward to 30* while legs 2,3,4,5,6 rotate reverse 5*
1st leg down 5th leg up and rotates forward to 30* while leg 1 rotates reverse 10* and 2346 rotate reverse 5*
5th leg down 3rd leg up and rotates forward to 30* while leg 1 and 5 rotate 10* reverse and 246 rotate reverse 5*
3rd leg down 4th leg up and rotates forward to 30* while legs 1,3,5 rotate reverse 10* and 2 and 6 rotate reverse 5*
4th leg down 2nd leg up and rotates forward to 30* while 1345 rotate reverse 10* and leg 6 rotating reverse 5*
2nd leg down 6th leg up and rotates forward to 30* while 12345 rotate 10*
6th leg down 1st leg up and rotates forward to 30* while 23456 rotate reverse 10*
1st leg down 5th leg up and rotates forward to 30* while 12346 rotate reverse 10*
5th leg down 3rd leg up and rotates forward to 30* while 12456 rotate reverse 10*
3rd leg down 4th leg up and rotates forward to 30* while 12356 rotate reverse 10*
4th leg down 2nd leg up and rotates forward to 30* while 13456 rotate reverse 10*
2nd leg down 6th leg up and rotates forward to 30* while 12345 rotate reverse 10*
Ok the * means degrees. I must have watched this video (of a ripple gait hex) a hundred times. I remembered what you said above about the servos need to always be moving so........
I used 30* back and forth from 90* (neutral). Thats the farthest they move forward or backwards with out running into each other. Since im moving six legs one at a time i broke down everything into six'. The legs that move forward one at a time come back 10* at a time but the legs that havent moved forward move toward the rear 5* at a time til they are called to move forward and then repeat until they reach a point where i can move all at 30* and 10*.
This post really helped.
I sequenced it today and set the rotation speed to 3/10's of a second or 300ms and looks good though it could use a lil tweaking.