Torobot software help

Ok I posyed the wrong file.
Ok I posyed the wrong file. I should have listed the PDE, which I was told was the file I need to create and Thant the other two are libraries. And of course I want program my Hexapod.

Ok so to start with I know I need to include what ever library files are needed. Then I add the sevo objects like this....

Software servo servo1

Software servo servo2 // using three servos

Software servo servo3

Then I start the set up.

Pinmode(13,output); // turns channel 13 on designates sending signal out to rotate

Pinmode(14,output); // turns channel 14 on....

Pinmode(15,output); // ..........

Now I'm a lil confused about the pinmode function. In my example file you turn 13 on and then you attach two servos to it? Don't I need a pin for each servo?p>

This should be the link to
This should be the link to the whole examples file. Could I ask someone to please examine the the .cpp and the .h file to see even if they are prepared to control 18 servos. Will they work or do they need to be changed or do I need to write my own. Of I can get an ok on that we can continue properly.

Well my lil 5v DC to DC
Well my lil 5v DC to DC power stepdown bit the dust today. Bad design, it was quarter sized and not enough material around the lil holes. Never could get a good bond and kept having to re-solder til today when the corners broke off and left no electrical pad for my wires to connect to.

Still trying to decipher the PDE and CPP file but i did figure out a 12 step ripple gait out today. let me know what you think.

12 step ripple gait.

1st leg up and rotate forward to 30* while legs 2,3,4,5,6 rotate reverse 5*

1st leg down 5th leg up and rotates forward to 30* while leg 1 rotates reverse 10* and 2346 rotate reverse 5*

5th leg down 3rd leg up and rotates forward to 30* while leg 1 and 5 rotate 10* reverse and 246 rotate reverse 5*

3rd leg down 4th leg up and rotates forward to 30* while legs 1,3,5 rotate reverse 10* and 2 and 6 rotate reverse 5*

4th leg down 2nd leg up and rotates forward to 30* while 1345 rotate reverse 10* and leg 6 rotating reverse 5*

2nd leg down 6th leg up and rotates forward to 30* while 12345 rotate 10*

6th leg down 1st leg up and rotates forward to 30* while 23456 rotate reverse 10*

1st leg down 5th leg up and rotates forward to 30* while 12346 rotate reverse 10*

5th leg down 3rd leg up and rotates forward to 30* while 12456 rotate reverse 10*

3rd leg down 4th leg up and rotates forward to 30* while 12356 rotate reverse 10*

4th leg down 2nd leg up and rotates forward to 30* while 13456 rotate reverse 10*

2nd leg down 6th leg up and rotates forward to 30* while 12345 rotate reverse 10*

Ok the * means degrees. I must have watched this video (of a ripple gait hex) a hundred times. I remembered what you said above about the servos need to always be moving so........

I used 30* back and forth from 90* (neutral). Thats the farthest they move forward or backwards with out running into each other. Since im moving six legs one at a time i broke down everything into six'. The legs that move forward one at a time come back 10* at a time but the legs that havent moved forward move toward the rear 5* at a time til they are called to move forward and then repeat until they reach a point where i can move all at 30* and 10*.

This post really helped.

I sequenced it today and set the rotation speed to 3/10's of a second or 300ms and looks good though it could use a lil tweaking.

Does my ripple gait seem
Does my ripple gait seem feasible? And comments or suggestions?

No i dont have any way to
No i dont have any way to power it right now waiting on a new stepdown converter.

Yep that was a lil tricky going from start up to full stride (trot gait) but The transition wasnt really as difficult as remembering what each leg was supposed to do from start up to trot.

I was thinking about (and i dont know if im right) that i could write to code to trot then add some if statements like if it stops here continue this way and ETC.

I did have an idea to make it come to neutral after each sequence but didnt know if that was correct. Hoping to be able to just loop the action in my code.

Ok thank you for checking it out for me. Cant wait to see if it works.

Have i set this up right?
Have i set this up right? Its supposed to name 3 servo objects turn on three servo channel pins and attach the servos to the pins.


SoftwareServo servo1; // front left tibia

SoftwareServo servo2; // front left femur

SoftwareServo servo3; // front left coxa

void setup()


pinMode(17,OUTPUT); // turns pin 17 on sets to output

servo1.attach(17); // attaches servo 1 to pin 17

servo1.setMaximumPulse(2200); // sets maximum puylse

pinMode(18,OUTPUT); // same as above

servo2.attach(18); // ""

servo2.setMaximumPulse(2200); // ""

pinMode(19,OUTPUT); // ""

servo3.attach(19); // ""

servo3.setMaximumPulse(2200); // ""

Serial.begin(9600); // ""

Serial.print("Ready"); // ""


When I try to compile it
When I try to compile it with arduino it freezes. Or it seems to. It says compiling but never puts out a sketch. I also formatted it like this after looking at another arduino robot file. …


SoftwareServo servo1;

SoftwareServo servo2;

SoftwareServo servo3;

void setup()














Well i cant move forward on
Well i cant move forward on coding til figure out how to compile it. In the serial monitir it just says com4 no signal. I think the arduino must be able to read a board in order to compile which is kinda stupid if you ask me. Would you happen to know a good compiler that i can use?

Ok i have limited power to my board so i tried my ripple and i figured out you have to do it like this using the sequencer. Being able to code will make it easier in time but heres my solution for now..........


Lift leg one rotate it to F30*


Drop leg 1


Leg 1 to F20* while legs 23456 rotate to R5*


Lift leg 5 rotate to F30* leg 1 to f20* while 2346 rotate to R10


Drop leg 5<p


Lift leg 3 rotate to f30 leg 1 to f10* leg 5 to f20* while 2,4,6 rotate to R15...........

Com4 belongs to my Torobot,
Com4 belongs to my Torobot, arduino can tell something is there but wont load code to it. Com5 belongs to my arduino nano. I have written a blink program that does compile. The nano gets its power from the USB and the torobot through USB and battery. Also tried to compile the sample code with no luck. But before it would even try to compile i had to find and add a couple files to arduino. Wiring.h and a couple others.

Spent a few days on my
Spent a few days on my ripple gait to get it right, still needs tweaking but not bad. Heres a link to the video…

Ive noticed some ripple gaits where the tibia in front rotate a few degrees under/in and pulls it as its moving with the back legs doing the same but pushing. How would i go about doing the same? How many degrees would i bring them in on the front?

Well i wasnt having a power
Well i wasnt having a power conversion problem. My board is dying. When i ever i give it power it runs for about two seconds and acts like its only getting a spark. To check it i hooked up 24 channel and it works fine.

In the pic for this comment,
In the pic for this comment, what exactly does the AD stand for in “AD inputs”?

Well this is the end of the
Well this is the end of the Torobot thread. Ive taken the software as far as can be taken using the sequencer and i still havent gotten my request for information from Torobot themselves.

Well my final word is that this is a cool lil board to use if your trying to develop walking gates yourself before hard coding but its very limited as to what you can actually do with it.

The first drawback and a major one is the fact that hard coding so far is implausible.

The second draw back at least is that when using the PS2 handle for offline play there is no way to keep the actions continuous. In other words when you hold the button it should keep looping with out a delay, and when released, stop all motion. I call this hyper but im sure theres a better word.

Its also limited in the amount of effective movements you can make at the same time. An 8 step tripod gait takes 16 steps and a 12 step ripple can take 24 at the least.

There also doesnt seem to be a way to switch modes like from tripod to ripple.

Now i say these things from experience. Any body with a varying oppinion or more information, please do not be shy.