Toothbrush bot1

this is my first project. Its very simple, but i'm still trying to learn basic electronics. I figured though, that instead of just lurking on the site here, i'd upload this little guy:)


it uses a little motor that i pulled out of a remote control mouse cat toy. and a LR 44 battery. I added a peice of speaker wire, to kind of act like a spring, to keep it from tipping over. It took about an hour and a half to build, including the time i spent pulling the motor out of the cat toy.

it moves very fast, mostly in circles.

  • Power source: LR44 battery
  • Target environment: indoors, flat surfaces

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

That is one cool over powered bristle bot!

**spinning in circles **

hey I found moving the weight around "fixes" the spinny problem, also bending the bristles helps too

:slight_smile: Matt

like i said, its very simple, but i kept seeing them, both on the web and on this site, so i decided to make one, mine does seem to be over-powered though:) i’d like to try to make a solar powered one next i think

welcomenice bot !keep


nice bot !

keep testing , and have fun :slight_smile:


i’ll try that, i had to use hot glue, which i really dont recommend (lol) but i couldn’t figure out what else to use besides some type of glue, and with hot glue at least i can scrape it off with a razor blade if i need to change something, i’ll try messing with the bristles some, and see if that helps:)

having angled bristles
having angled bristles actually makes it move in a direction… like forward! :slight_smile:

Nice Bristle bot! I used
Nice Bristle bot! I used tons of hot glue for mine too. :smiley: