Tipsy Goes Diving


This is Tipsy my robot that I made from parts I had around my workshop. His main drive motors and wheels are an old cassette player. The solar panel is new. As you see in the video he can move and a bit too fast near the end.

It moves in any light, but the best movement is in direct sunlight.

  • Control method: autonomous
  • Sensors / input devices: Solar cell
  • Target environment: quite smooth flat surfaces

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at


Thanks for sharing your bot. Self destructing bots are funny.

Tipsy Goes Diving

Thanks ,I appreciate the quick response. I used the bare cassette deck, with the motor. Actually Tipsy, after a quick check was AOK. It took me a little longer to get over the scare of seeing him go down.

way to go pius!

way to go pius!

Great job, Pius Agius.

When I think of all the stuff I’ve binned over the years, that I now realise I could use, I could cry.

Anything you can build…

… you can also fix!

Great little bot Pius

But you have put it down as autonomous? is there any steering involved at all? 

Tipsy Goes Diving

 I take the word autonomous as that someone is not in direct control of the robot. I agree the level of sophistication is not that high in that it can only move in one direction. Having more control and more degrees of freedom would make it more autonomous. That is my hope for SAM.