TINY USB Rechargeable IR Remote Controlled Robot - IR RC Robot Type 1

 IR RC Robot Type 1 miniUSB 

Tiny USB Rechargeable Robot controlled with any Sony Television or Universal TV Remote.
(remote not included, You probably already have one :)

3 Modes - Remote Controlled, Photovore(chases light) & Photophobe(avoids light)

3 Speeds -
Robot Travels more than 1 Foot per Second on smooth surfaces, High Speed.
1 Milimeter steps on Slow Speed.

This robot recharges using mini-b USB cable connected to your computer.
( the one you use for cameras and cellphones)

Charge for 15 minutes runs for 15+ minutes.

Robot Stands 1 1/2" Tall x 2" Wide x 1 1/2" Long



I am a robot with a microcontroller brain.
I have been programmed to be remote controlled.
I also have a Photovore Mode and a Photophobe Mode.
I have a USB rechargeable battery.

I have been assembled from components intended for computers, cordless telephones, automobiles and cell phones.

Other Robot Projects in the Works.
We welcome custom electronic & robotic requests.

Follows Light, Avoids Light, Remote Controlled, Multiple Speeds

  • Actuators / output devices: 6mm Rare Earth Magnet Electromagnetic Motors
  • Control method: Infra Red Remote Control
  • CPU: Microchip 12f683
  • Power source: 3.6V NiMH
  • Programming language: Assembler, PIC Basic
  • Sensors / input devices: PHotobridge, Infra Red Receiver
  • Target environment: Tabletop, Floor

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/tiny-usb-rechargeable-ir-remote-controlled-robot-ir-rc-robot-type-1

That’s awsome. Could you

That’s awsome. Could you post schematics? I would love to make one of these!



I like the heat-shrink mounting for the motors and the 16 pin socket for wiring.

Looks to me like photodiodes/LEDs for light sensing, and a ir receiver on top of the MCU, so 2 ADC and a digital in. Two motors driven uni-directionally by transistors at the back, and an LED run with the last pin, so 3 out. 8 pin PIC, 3 in, 3 out, VCC and GND. With the AVR 8 pin I need to disable the reset pin (and therefore ISP) to match it. Very nice design, I especially like the remote control function.

On my next tiny bot I was going to try a tiny lipo and one of SparkFun’s new tiny chargers. My first attempt used CR2032s and had power problems. It looks like you are using some NiMH cells wired directly to a USB mini-B connector?

I’ve wanted to build something like this

 But it’s a bugger to get those weights off them motors. It is a shame you don’t post more information about yours. I’d love to look at the code.

** Hello**


 Hello kitsu.eb,


 I am very impressed, you’ve deduced so much from the images. Right on.

 Yes, NiMH are great for tiny robots.

 I have used LiPo batteries in a number of my robots, they are much lighter and have greater capacities.

 The downside is designing and building charge/discharge circuits (Wouldn’t want to start a Lithium fire).

 Viva la Freeform!




** More info on the**


 More info on the way…

 I used to buy the pager motors with concentric weights, best to use a hammer, punch and vice; luckily these are weightless:)


** Thanks, When I get a**



 When I get a chance to write up some schematics I’ll post them.


NIce Is there many

NIce Is there many differences between pic basic and picaxe basic in coding

** Hi**


 Hi The_Black_Cat,


 Check out http://melabs.com/resources/pbpmanual/

 The Benefits of working with a blank PIC are that you have all the memory which the Picaxe compiler takes up, you have access to the registers and there are compilers for Basic, Assembly language and C.

 The challenge is writing all routines from scratch.

