For my 1st A4WD1 Rover w/PS2 Control & ALD5 Arm, I used the code at … _Rover.ino
Per Lynxmotion Technical Support, at Line 150 & 151 I added
Offsets[0] = 0;
// Throttle calibration & Offsets[1] = 0;
// Steering calibration and determined the optimum Offsets by trial & error to be 66 & 94 respectively.
With these Offsets, all 4 wheels turn at the same speed both in Forward & in Reverse except that the Reverse speed for the 4 wheels is 2-3 times faster than the Forward speed.
If the wheels turned 2-3 times faster in Forward relative to Reverse, control using the PS2 would not be an issue.
The Steering Offset = 94 is the only one I can identify where the wheels all turn at the same speed, turn in the same direction and stop when I release the PS2.
When I try a different Throttle Offset, the wheels turn in a different direction on one side versus the other. I have tried dozens of Offset combinations without success.
I am new to robotics and Arduino so I would appreciate any suggestions to resolve this issue.