Throttle & Steering Calibration

For my 1st A4WD1 Rover w/PS2 Control & ALD5 Arm, I used the code at … _Rover.ino
Per Lynxmotion Technical Support, at Line 150 & 151 I added

Offsets[0] = 0; // Throttle calibration & Offsets[1] = 0; // Steering calibration and determined the optimum Offsets by trial & error to be 66 & 94 respectively.

With these Offsets, all 4 wheels turn at the same speed both in Forward & in Reverse except that the Reverse speed for the 4 wheels is 2-3 times faster than the Forward speed.
If the wheels turned 2-3 times faster in Forward relative to Reverse, control using the PS2 would not be an issue.
The Steering Offset = 94 is the only one I can identify where the wheels all turn at the same speed, turn in the same direction and stop when I release the PS2.
When I try a different Throttle Offset, the wheels turn in a different direction on one side versus the other. I have tried dozens of Offset combinations without success.
I am new to robotics and Arduino so I would appreciate any suggestions to resolve this issue.

Not sure about this one - we don’t really experience that issue.
However, welcome to robotics! The best way to troubleshoot code is to add serial print lines and have the robot connected to the computer.
As you operate the robot, you see what values are being sent (via the Arduino serial interface) to hopefully help you find what’s going on.
If not, try to take a look through the code (again, adding some serial lines as well).
The other approach, if you’re not pressed for time, is to actually create your own code; what setup do you have?