Three Servo Hexapod

This is my first attempt at a walking robot...thoroughly inspired by Penny and Stomper. :)

Chassis : I had loads of pen refill tubes lying around on my table (by-product of a month of exams) so I used those to build the legs.They're connected to old mechano pieces using hot glue,this is then connected to the servos.For the main  body I used an old plastic case I had lying around.The dimensions are 16cm X 13cm X 9cm (L x B x H).

MCU : Used a pro mini clone for the mcu.It's soldered on to the pcb along with the header pins for the servos.

Sensors : I've used an HCSR04 ultrasonic sensor for obstacle avoidance and also an LDR so that it wobbles happily when someone touches it on the head (see video).There is also a voltage divider circuit used to measure the battery voltage so that the robot stops moving when the voltage drops below a specified value.

Head : The cover for the head I got from a broken torch and the ultrasonic sensor fit perfectly in it looked a bit like Wall-E's head.There's a blue LED mounted inside the cover which acts as a backlight.

Battery : I've used two mobile phone Lipo batteries(7.4v) which go to a 5v regulator which supplies power to the servos.

Here's some more pictures :

Right now the walking is still a bit weird since the screws keep becoming loose but a bit of super glue should fix that.

I've also made an instructable for the hexapod.

Cheers :)


Wanders around the table

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

That’s a low budget hexapod!

Thanks for sharing:D

Haha yeah…good for a

Haha yeah…good for a student on a tight budget! :stuck_out_tongue: