Alright, well I have already made a somewhat succesful post about my online robotics store that I am starting up, but I have decided to also make a blog/some blog entries on the subject.
Heres the deal: I am looking for people that would like to have their robot design sold on the site. Anyone who decides they want it on the site would get their name on the purchase page and a ink to their site/lmr profile/other online thing etc.
So anyone that would like to have their robot design in the store please comment on this blog post.
Well… Well, thats what the DONATE part is about. i’m looking for people who want to donate. Also, this royalties thing would become very complicated indeed - different currencies, paypal accounts etc.
I am also looking for anyone I am also looking for anyone who would want to sell their product through my site. that would be something else altogethor. I’m just keeping it simple right now though