The smack-into-walls-a-lot

this is my first robot, it isn't that complacated. two switches, a on off and on switch some wires bateries and thats all. the switch on top is the on off and on switch, the stick is the "sensor" there is a hole in the stick so when it hits a wall it hits the switch and reverses the diretion.

  • Actuators / output devices: 2 motors
  • Control method: autonomous
  • Power source: 4 AA batteries
  • Sensors / input devices: bumper
  • Target environment: indoors

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Briliant idea for reversing

Briliant idea for reversing directon

You may call it

"Mr CrashAlot Bot"

Simple, but funny. Is it fun

Simple, but funny. Is it fun to watch smack into walls? Worth a video?


im loading a video in a few minuts, then you can se it smash into walls.

after this one im trying to

after this one im trying to think of a way i could make it go out doors


It’s a mobile most useless machine. :smiley:

I mean no disrespect. It just kind of reminds me of the way one of those boxes sort of works.

I like it. Simple, but it
I like it. Simple, but it does a good job at what it’s supposed to do! :stuck_out_tongue:

thats cool, has a good ring

thats cool, has a good ring to it to, the mobile most useless machine

That’s a great ’robot’

That’s a great ’robot’ based on limited resources.
For your next project you might consider the BeetleBot—The-BeetleBot/

i’ll try ading those

i’ll try ading those bumpers, thanks

not bad for a first robot…

not bad for a first robot… you should have seen mines… lol

Idea 1: find a way so it go’s also a bit sideways and let it clean your floor. or make a snow shovel robot.

Idea 2: put a lot of of glas bottles in a circle with the robot in the middle and enjoy =D

Idea 3 : complete different approach, some more complicated: add a spring so the switch returns to position directly. then that switch turns on a relais (with a huge capacitor over it) so it stay on for a few seconds and falls off. next, that relais reverses direction AND power its steering.


Fun video. I see now that

Fun video. I see now that you have two motors, and you turn on one to go one direction and turn on the other to reverse.

A concept you may want to look into is an h-bridge. You can build a simple one with switches, just like you have used. It will let you use one motor, and run it in forward or reverse depending on the position of the switches.

You could keep both motors, but with a little change to the switches, you can run both motors in the same direction until the switch is toggled. Then both motors run in the opposite direction.

This improvement would teach you something new, and requires very little change to your current design. We use h-bridges for bi-directional motor control all the time!