Hello Robot-creators!
It has been a long time since I was last active at this site... Mainly because I've been busy making stuff like this:
(Bidirectional 16-bit databus btw).
It's quite sad actually, now that I see all those cool robots that you've come up with, and all I have is stuff like that on the pictur above. I want to make something useful! Or at least entertaining... :)
Last time I had a "robot-rush", I bought a lot of shiny things (Arduino, SRF05, 3D Accelerometer etc.) and I learned how to use it but really never build any cool robots... This has come to change now!
To start with I want to make a Line Follower! My electronics teacher wants me to build a robot to compete in the DTU Robocup (Danish) this spring. My goal is of course to win! But I will be more than happy if I can just make something that won't self-detonate, before it has reached to first checkpoint.
I want to use PIC's which I've been trying to learn how to use during the last month. I'm using the 16F628 with the MPLAB assembler. I find assembler quite interesting because you really have to study the datasheet, and figure out how these tiny black plastic-things work, before you can use it: a great learning experience!
My school is providing the materials and I think I'm going to need:
- PICs
- Light Sensors
- Motors (DC and Steppers)
- Motor drivers
- Battery
- Robot-base
Now I really hope you can give me some advice on how to do this. I have a couple of questions:
- What is your experience with different line-detect-sensors, do you have any experience with the CNY70?
- How can I make the robot more resistant to ambient light? Should I pulse the sensor?
I've considered a 3-whell design like this:u
The question is if I should equip the two real wheels with a motor each, for individual speed control. With the front wheel as a dummy-wheel the steering is done by the drive-motors alone.
I could make the two rear motors dummy and the both drive and steer the robot with the front wheel (DC motor to drive, Stepper to steer).
I hope that I manage to create a robot and that I manage to finish it before the Robocup! And at last, I hope this project will be the beginning of many new robot adventures!