The motor won't work

I finished everything on the Xbee DFRobotshop Rover and I coded everything. However the rover will not move,even though the lights on the rover are blinking whenever i press W,A,S, or D. The motor seems jammed, but it still turns. Please help me figure out this problem.

If you can tell the motors themselves are powering up, you have a mechanical issue most likely. First off, hold your rover in the air, and see if it’s just getting too much resistance from the material you’re using it on. Second, look in the gear box from the back, are the gears turning? If you give the rover’s track a slight nudge in the right direction, will it start moving? One of the possible issues I hit once, was the locking screw on the hex axle wasn’t tightened, and so the rover wasn’t turning the axle, but otherwise was working. So it may be worthwhile to disassemble and reassemble the gearbox, and make sure everything is connected properly.

In case it’s not a mechanical issue: How are you powering it?

In addition to ocdtrekkie’s suggestions, the issue might be as simple as the On/Off switch. Can you provide a few clear images of the rover? What program are you using to send the WASD commands and are you use to have configured the program correctly?