Ah yes, cellbots
I gotta be honest, my intention was not to actually make this app. I would have preferred to use something like cellbots or Amarino. The problem I ran into is that when tried these apps, they were a confusing mess. Cellbots seems to be a system that allows you to put your phone ON the robot and control via PC --but to be honest, I don’t know. After reading their website for a while, my eyes glazed over. They mention the android I/O board, and IP addresses for the phone and libraries that need to be installed and a ton of stuff that needs to be done and configured via a terminal. In the end, you have YOUR robot, but running CELLBOTS software on the phone, the arduino and the computer. I found it confusing, VERY complicated and in the end, did not allow me to tilt my phone and drive my robot. Also, as far as I can see, it is only set up to work with an Arduino. I have nothing against Cellbots, I am sure it has worked for many folks but I could not understand a single part of it.
Amarino had a similar problem. It required software to be used on BOTH the phone and the robot. When I used it, it seemed like a small collection of demo apps. I.e. “hey, read a sensor with your phone!” and I said, "Uh, huh… Yeah, I am reading a pot plugged into my arduino --what the hell am I going to do with this? --I just want a joystick!"
Maybe I should have spent more time with these guys, and “learned” them more, but I walked away frustrated and confused. I just didn’t get it.
Now, with my App, nothing is needed on your robot but a small routine to grab 2-bytes-worth of data from a serial connection. If you have existing code that you have written, my data from my app can be very easily intergrated. My app will work just as happily with an Arduino, Prop, Picaxe, BS2 etc etc etc. There is no need to take their robot software, rebuild it and try to get it to work with a different platform. There is no need to do anything my way.
The bottom line for me is that it seems all the existing phone/robot systems are just that --systems. You use Cellbots and you will forever do it the “cellbots way”. Use Amarino and do everything the way that Amarino forces you to do it. Or use the RocketBot app and make your robot do whatever you want it to do.
Tell you what (and I am really NOT being sarcastic here) try cellbots and tell me how it worked. Send me an email and I will send you a free copy of my app. Put 'em side by side --not just the app, but the whole experience (the whole system). How much time did you spend with libraries and drivers and changing phone IP addresses in python code and reading FAQ’s trying to get their software to work with your robot.
Oh, and why not free? Because I added labor to materials that created value. Cellbots and Google have more money than God and can happily give stuff away. I am broke and starting to try to make a living out of this robot stuff. That being said, I always have love for my homies here at LMR --If you want a copy, just email and it is yours.