The Atrax - A Tarantula inspired octopod

what servo motor did you use and whats its specification… honestly i was inspire in your work and i building may own spider robot which will be based on your work… i hope its ok to you guys… :slight_smile:

But … this is allso in the thread (page one: HS 645 and HS 475)… if you are intrested, read the thread :neutral_face:

do you use voltage regulator in the source? is this 6v nicad battery supposed to maintain supply to 12 servo motor?

No Voltageregulator needed when using 6V

you said before that you use 2 6v NiCad battery for the rear and front pair of leg… how about source you use in youe MCU(microcontroller)

I have emailed McSpider to ask him to reply to your questions… :unamused:

Hi Reymerski

I’m sorry: I’m quite a bit late for answers… :confused: a lot to do and no PC any more for a time…

Just like said PappaNiklas (he’s right and thanks to him), I used 2 packs NiMH for the servos.
In fact, the time I can use the bot is quite light (less than 10 minutes). For this reason I’ll try some Lipos: less weight for more energy.
The electronics Master Switch (for Bot Board II and Basic Atom Pro 28) is connected to a small 9 V battery at this time. I’d change that too: implement a Lipo instead.

What is the purpose of the micro switch? Oops good question. I hope be able programming some walking conditions in the future, when tars are on contact with ground or not. But for the time, both of states are shown by leds :frowning:

I hope it helps. Please let us know about your project.
Thanks Jim … for E-mailing!

always one of my Favorite projects here on lynxmotion. be great to see you return to it when you can. :wink:

yeah sure :smiley:… but for the mean time i cannot post it yet, im still in progress…

Oups, I forgot just answer about the angles… again:

The Values of the Coxa Angles projected on the “z” axis I choosed, are simply to allow most of space as possible for moving coxas (about +20, -20 degrees)
L/R 1 -> 52°
L/R 2 -> 18°
L/R 3 -> -26°
L/R 4 -> -60°
All of these pairs of Angles are different: Just keep in mind that my goal to reach is to get a cephalotorax geometry as real as possible. It means just one axis of symetry.

did you put some sensor in your robot?

Not yet. There’s only uswitches on tars, that gives a binary state: leg on ground or not.

This is an amazing project! Keep up the awesomeness! :mrgreen: 8)