Thanks for a fantastic time. You are all very giving and really, really cool persons. And very talented.
You know who you are.
Everyone else; Since Campus Party is a returning, and starting to be global -event - why don't we use it as our way to meet IRL?
Hope to see you next time, next place :)
(Click to see large picture :)

Can’t wait…
…for the next time and next place 
Because someone ask about
Because someone ask about the LMR T-Shirts. I ordered them in a copy shop nearby. Here is the template file that have been used:
I can get fairly decent
I can get fairly decent prices for screenprinted T-shirts, I’ll ask for a quote too as it has quite a few colours, might be more than I expect.
And on the topic of CP, really dissapointed that I couldn’t make it, guess there’s always next time.
Where will the next one be?
@amando: I guess the next
@amando: I guess the next one is in Barcelona.
@all: Well, the CP was really a good thing. Meeting these great LMRians in person was really great too.
I am not sure if I can make it to the next one but I’ll try