Hey everyone, it’s been ages.
I bought a teensy 2.0 about 2 weeks ago and starting to learn arduino code which seems pretty easy actually, I’m a bit surprised.
Currently I have the Turnigy 9x transmitter with open source code on it called ER9X which allows you to do loads of things and the 8 channel receiver that comes with the kit and its less then 100 bucks! I still have my t7c transmitter I’m going to use for a quad copter I’m building.
Currently I wrote some simple code that reads 8 digital input pins on the teensy and outputs them to a serial string in the following format
Now this is where I’m a bit foggy,
What’s the best method to allow the Basic micro to read data from the Arduino with the smallest amount of effort?
What I know which isn’t very much about the subject is parse a serial string and lop off the values it needs and stores them in variables for when the phoenix code needs them…