
First bots using Picaxe kit 28. Came across a distributor from my country who bring this item in.

Hook up with Parralax Ping))) instead of SRF05. Im yet to find it locally else have to get it online fly to asia.

Unlike the "Start Here", i did not combine it with the servo since a few of my servo eventually only turn one direction and i've yet to figure it out. Anyone here may be can help me out.

Video will be up soon.


Updated 07 March 09

After the relising left out tutorial on the replacing the darlington with 330ohm, I made the changes and placed the 330ohm resistor onto the pin0. Re programm the used of "start here". Little changes made due to the used of parallax ping))). Video will be up soon. Thanks for the comment and help on the 330ohm resistor.

  • Control method: autonomous
  • CPU: Picaxe 28X
  • Power source: 9VDC battery for 5VDC regulated supply
  • Programming language: Picaxe basic
  • Sensors / input devices: parralax ping)))

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/tbots

I am totally amazed by your
I am totally amazed by your robot’s design. I can’t wait to read how you built this robot.

nice design! looking foward
nice design! looking foward to see the video! :slight_smile:

Nice!Regarding your servo


Regarding your servo problem, have a look at this: https://www.robotshop.com/letsmakerobots/node/3805

firmware A.5

I’ve check the link. seems that there no problem with A.5

could it be the servo that im using.

i had few of these servo came from some kit set. it works with their own program.

i also have futaba s3003 . this one doesnt even move. could it be the supply in not enough?

i just check out the the firmware version it prompt after sussesfully download. its A.5

Im using programming editor version 5.2.2.


I had my first servo experiment today. I’m using the A5 version on the 28X project board - same as you. I have the servo connected to port 2. The servo turned briefly when I powered up the board, but then nothing. Eventually I realised that I had the Darlington chip on the board. I replaced it with the yellow resistor pack, and it’s now working fine

His pics show the darlington
His pics show the darlington still on the project board. I would assume he is having the same problem that you had. Replacing the chip with a yellow 330ohm resistor pack or with 330 ohm resistors should fix it.

I had noticed that, but also wondered if he is trying to drive the servos through the motor driver chip - which I’m not.

Miss the 330ohm resistor on from "start here"

hey guys, thanks.

I just realised i miss the part of placing darlington to 330 ohm resistor.

Will try it soon.


It’s a very nice looking

It’s a very nice looking robot!

It looks good, and amazingly

It looks good, and amazingly stable. I’m putting together a similar looking robot, but I can’t quite figure out how to balance it on just two wheels. I’m curious to know how you did that – just well placed parts?

i was just wondering where
i was just wondering where you learned how to make your own circuit board, i’ve seen lots of people on this site make their own and its seems like a lot cheaper/ more fun. How do you know where to put all the parts?

unable to connect

Somehow now i unable to connect the board/ download the program to the board.

Its all gd since yesterday.


hey, i just bought the
hey, i just bought the parallax ping also, could you post some more pics of where you attached it to the 28x?

Here’s the link.


I guess getting sf05 its the

I guess getting sf05 its the best.

cos now im getting fustrated with the 5v.

much obliged
thanks man.

**source code **
hi guys . im a beginner robot builder. if u can post the source code for this robot , it will b highly appreciatable ! thanksss a bunchhh :slight_smile:

Ultrasonic sensor

Do you have any sample code for the ultrasonic sensor you could send me that would allow me to control 2 motors on from a PIC, im lost.


[email protected]

Thank you
