
Posted on 02/03/2009 by techstg
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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First bots using Picaxe kit 28. Came across a distributor from my country who bring this item in. Hook up with Parralax Ping))) instead of SRF05. Im yet to find it locally else have to get it online fly to asia. Unlike the "Start Here", i did not combine it with the servo since a few of my servo eventually only turn one direction and i've yet to figure it out. Anyone here may be can help me out. Video will be up soon.   Updated 07 March 09 After the relising left out tutorial on ...


First bots using Picaxe kit 28. Came across a distributor from my country who bring this item in.

Hook up with Parralax Ping))) instead of SRF05. Im yet to find it locally else have to get it online fly to asia.

Unlike the "Start Here", i did not combine it with the servo since a few of my servo eventually only turn one direction and i've yet to figure it out. Anyone here may be can help me out.

Video will be up soon.


Updated 07 March 09

After the relising left out tutorial on the replacing the darlington with 330ohm, I made the changes and placed the 330ohm resistor onto the pin0. Re programm the used of "start here". Little changes made due to the used of parallax ping))). Video will be up soon. Thanks for the comment and help on the 330ohm resistor.


  • Control method: autonomous
  • CPU: Picaxe 28X
  • Power source: 9VDC battery for 5VDC regulated supply
  • Programming language: Picaxe basic
  • Sensors / input devices: parralax ping)))
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