Tank 1.0






































Handcrafted Base hold containing:

-5x AAA battery

-2x solar geared motor

-Mother Board

-Geared wheel drive


Mother Board features:

- L293D motor driver

- DC Buzzer

- Lo dropout 5V regulator

- I2C hub (not used)

Handcrafted 5x LDR array sensor

Front sensors:

- 5x LDR array

- 2x Sharp tilted telemetric ranger

Raw Geared 4 wheel drive
Download my BasicX code here:

Navigate , Avoid bstacle, Avoid to fall, Seek for Light

  • Actuators / output devices: 2x Geared solar motor
  • Control method: autonomous
  • CPU: Netmedia BX24
  • Power source: 5x AAA 600mAh
  • Programming language: BasicX
  • Sensors / input devices: 2x Sharp ranger, 5x LDR Array
  • Target environment: indoor

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/tank-1-0

I like it!

I like that little Robot, Good Job!!

But I think, you smoke too often…

sweet unit
Love it. where did you get the wheels?

mahahahah u r right!
mahahahah u r right!

**here http://www.opitec.it **




you have a gear in between your two "wheels" how do they turn

It seems like the wheels
It seems like the wheels would turn towards eachother geared like that.

The in-between gear is an
The in-between gear is an idler. Without it the two "wheels" would turn in opposite directions. Not very efficient, but briefly amusing.

very nice little fellow!!and
very nice little fellow!!

and good job with the LDR array :wink:

the in-between gear is not
the in-between gear is not an idler, it’s the motor pinion which transmit power to both wheels

**but…but…but…but **
if you have that gear in the middle wont it make them turn in different directions

no, exactly in the same
no, exactly in the same direction :smiley: lol

Same difference
Same difference

lol i like to write in
lol i like to write in english because i understand 50% of what you say :smiley:

impressed by all these new robots

This series is the exact reason why we did not close the gate to LMR ten days ago!

Nice to meet you and your bots Sir.

This bot is very cool.
Nice starting platform for a camera and some wheel encoders. That way it can map out its course for the return trip. :smiley: Nice job.

Really fun little design,
Really fun little design, and it’s great the way it stays on the desk, no easy feat getting it to not take a dive. Good simple use of mechanics too with the central drive gear.

What is the diacritic for irony? One of us should be using it.


A little more info…
Can we get a little more information on the Handcrafted 5x LDR array sensor?