Tamy 1.1

Ok so I have made my 'Start Here' robot on tamiya tracks, twin geared motors and plate set. The program is based on the 'Start Here' project with a few changes to make it more suited to what I wanted it to do. I've added an extra IR sensor to 'Look' down so it wont drive off edges. As you can see in the video it drives along then stops and checks the area (in the middle of no where) then changes direction (I'm not sure why it does this). Next will be to add bumper switches, power switches and an Ir receiver. The motors drive is a little unequal and pulls to the right so I need to learn about pwm. I've read the manual on the subject but it's not very clear to me how that works.

I have found the picaxe project board a little fustrating as you are restricted to certain types of plugs, so I will look into making my own board or adding the project board to a larger PCB and run wiring from the project board to the PCB and have molex connectors on the PCB. Suggestions would be appreciated.

Does anyone have info on a PCB schematic that can be printed to make home-made boards for 28x or 40x chips? Perhaps with motor controller and/or H bridge for higher amp motors on one board?

Nav with IR, back away from edges

  • Actuators / output devices: 1:114 ratio Tamiya twin gear motors
  • CPU: Picaxe 28x1
  • Programming language: Picaxe basic
  • Sensors / input devices: Sharp GP2Y0A21YK IR sensor x2
  • Target environment: indoor

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/tamy-1-1

Looks like you did great,
Looks like you did great, good drop off detection! On schematics, there are different types of software that people use, Eagle seems to be mentioned the most. THe pins that you find on the PICAxe to connect to are pretty standard and found on most micros. It is possible to buy pre-crimped female to female wires that help with hookups if that is the difficulty.

Have Eagle installed but

Have Eagle installed but have no idea how to use it. I can copy a schematic drawing fairly easy but was hoping to find a proper PCB layout. So I don’t have to have lots of wires all over the place.

Will have to look at Eagle a bit more so I can make my own (which would be cool).

Cheers for the headers link, will look into those.

**post the code **

post the code

The Code
Symbol dangerlevel = 150 ’ how far away should thing be, before we react.
Symbol turn = 1000 ’ this sets the delay while body is turning
Symbol servo_turn = 300 ’ This sets delay while servo is turning before we measure distance
Symbol warning =170
’Symbol bumper = pin0


gosub headfront
readadc 0, b4
if b4 < warning then gosub bodyback
readadc 1, b1 ’ read how much distance ahead
if b1 < dangerlevel then
gosub driveforward
gosub whichway
'if bumper = high then gosub danger
end if
goto main

'=============================direction commands=========================

gosub allstop

'Look Left:
gosub headleft : pause servo_turn : readadc 1, b2

'Look Ahead
gosub headfront : pause servo_turn : readadc 1, b1

‘Look Right:
gosub headright : pause servo_turn : readadc 1, b3

‘Decide which is the better way:
if b2<b3 then : gosub bodyright : else : gosub bodyleft : endif

’==============================body commands=============================

high 4 : high 6 : low 5 : low 7 : return

high 5 : low 4 : low 7 : high 6
pause turn
gosub allstop

high 4 : low 6 : low 5 : high 7
pause turn
gosub allstop

gosub allstop
Low 4 : Low 6 : High 5 : High 7
wait 1
high 5 : low 4 :low 7 : high 6
wait 2
gosub allstop

low 4 : low 5 : low 6 : low 7
servo 0,150 : pause turn

gosub allstop : gosub bodyback : return

’ ============================servo commands===============================

servo 0, 75 : return

servo 0, 150 : return

servo 0, 225 : return

little wheels

what did you use for a chassis and how did you mount the little wheels on it??

thanks muchly

The chassis is a Tamiya kit

The chassis is a Tamiya kit and the wheels mount direct to Tamiya gearbox kit both from Jaycar. The upper level is made from balsa and the posts are finished square wood from a hardware shop.


Hope this helps

i used JST plugs to attach

i used JST plugs to attach my motors in my picaxe. the male ones are a perfect fit. also look into a Deans 3 prong female plug

Try PICAXE.com

They say that they have some PCB layouts, but don’t know know for sure.

PCB layouts

Here they are!!


I wish i had the money, experience etc. to make my own PCBs