This is my new robot. It’s a clone of Johnny 5. Consisting of 15 servos and its’ weight is 2.45Kg and height 30cm.
Head is composed of 2 servos, 1 corona cs-292mg 2.2Kg and one esky 1.2Kg where it moves an ultrasonic up and down, left and right. Sensor can track fetters in front of the robot.
Hands have 5dof and are composed of 4*servos mg966 13Kg, 4*mg995 15Kg and 2 mini servos corona cs292mg 2.2Kg for its clamp.
Trunk is composed of 3 servos in total. 1 medium servo of dagu servo 3.5Kgr S05NF for its rotation, 1 MG995 15Kg in the bottom so that it moves forward and backward , upper O have a Hitec hs- 645MG 9Kg.
Tracked are made of a toy and I just fixed a new chassis so that they can look like lunxmotion tracked. For its movement I used 2 moter 12v with integrated gearbox 1Kg. Although they had no special force to have the ability of turning all my robot, for this reason I am waiting to be delivered 2 new moter 9Kg.
The energy source is a zippy battery 1.11v 2.100mha where I fuel moters direct with a hobbywind ubec 8Α-15Α for its 15 servos fueling.
I used an Arduino mega 2560 R3 for its function with a sensor shield, as well as a Bluetooth module in doing so communication with computer.

- Actuators / output devices: moto with Gearbox 12v 1kg
- Control method: Bluetooth
- CPU: Arduino Mega 2650
- Power source: 11.1 lipo 2100mha
- Programming language: c + vb.net
- Sensors / input devices: Ultrasonic hc-sr04
- Target environment: indoor, outdoor
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/talos-5-v1