I’m like as new as you can be to servos, I know nothing so please be gentle.
I am wanting to make a prop head that talks, head movement side to side and tilt for the head too. I also want the jaw to move, can someone please give me a starting point, I have bought a load bearing frame, was going to use hitec high torque servos.
Hi Yes, I would like to know about controllers, is there a controller available that I can record a sequence so I can programmer the movements to a soundtrack. Also is there a load bearing frame that I could use to mount the servos for both radial and up and down movement all at the same time, to simulate a neck.
Those servos are not good for linear movement because they are limited to a maximum of around 180deg.
The Hitec HS-785HB will allow for 7 complete rotation but that’s the only one. Otherwise you can use a continuous rotation servo but you will not have positioning.
Hi thanks for the help, I really appreciate it. The controller and software looks great, the gearboxes also look very good, can you explain what you mean by pull-pull systems?
looking at the gearbox systems, can I fil a rod in the centre which will in turn rotate with the gearbox cog