Talking head


I’m like as new as you can be to servos, I know nothing so please be gentle.

I am wanting to make a prop head that talks, head movement side to side and tilt for the head too. I also want the jaw to move, can someone please give me a starting point, I have bought a load bearing frame, was going to use hitec high torque servos.

Thanks in advance

Hi Bulby,

We don’t understand the request, do you want more information regarding R/C servos ? (how to control them etc)


Hi Yes, I would like to know about controllers, is there a controller available that I can record a sequence so I can programmer the movements to a soundtrack. Also is there a load bearing frame that I could use to mount the servos for both radial and up and down movement all at the same time, to simulate a neck.

Sorry for not being direct with my question,

If you are using RC servos, a Lynxmotion SSC-32U controller would be a good choice.
You can either use your own software, the free SSC-32 Servo Sequencer or the Visual Show Animation Software which might be the best for you and is compatible with the SSC-32U controller.

Those servos are not good for linear movement because they are limited to a maximum of around 180deg.
The Hitec HS-785HB will allow for 7 complete rotation but that’s the only one. Otherwise you can use a continuous rotation servo but you will not have positioning.

Servo Power Gearbox

Most people in animatronics will use pull pull systems with cable to get the movement they want.


Hi thanks for the help, I really appreciate it. The controller and software looks great, the gearboxes also look very good, can you explain what you mean by pull-pull systems?

looking at the gearbox systems, can I fil a rod in the centre which will in turn rotate with the gearbox cog

There are a lot of accessories available for those gearbox.
You will find many options displayed in the m100RAKrobotic arm which use those gearboxes.

As an example, because i know the guy, you can look at THOSEparts for a Push-Pull system

History HERE.
