hello i am making some small car robots from quite some times , but now my project is to make a medium size ground vehicle with dimensions around 800x600x400 mm in size and which can carry around 150-200 kg. like husky from clearpath or like this robot scout
my original idea was to make the frame using aluminium extruder and use the part of skate board for use a suspension but i feel it there will be good way than this .
i wanted to ask if there better way to put like robot suspension system like husky and scout robot did , i dont have the clear idea how to put the suspension inside the chassis , is the motor attached to the base of chassis and then the wheel connected with the coupler and then they uses some shock absorber so it can support the weight …? what the best way to make a suspension system for 4wd robot like this and while keeping in mind that the part can be obtained easily or can manufactured easily .?