Update Oct 8th: New video, new programming, new feet, new moves, nice soundtrack if you like banjos.
Replaced feet with ones cut from tennis paddles. The old feet were like walking on high-heels, not that I have ever worn them. I have interpolated all 7 servos and they can move slow or fast together one or all. Spent too many hours playing with this and will never attempt another 7+ servo robot. Right now am going to go fly my rc airplanes and wind down. If anyone is interested in the interpolation routine (not sophisticated but pretty functional and simple to follow) I will post on github.
Original entry: Here is my first pass at another robot using shifting center of mass but standard servos (7.2 volt) and brackets. It is a little more sturdy than my homegrown chassis.Moves a lot like my duckbot but with more motion options. I want to use it to study robot gaits a bit. I do have it sort of trotting by just moving the feet up and down a little and swinging the weight from side to side. Currently I am interpolating only two servos at a time but have the routine written to do all seven servos at once - not tested yet.
walks around, steps up on a flat surface
- Control method: Arduino Nano
- Sensors / input devices: none
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/striderbot-bipedal-robot