StomperDrino - 3 Servo Hexapod


Project scraped, would need ball berings for this to work correctly since the aluminium is rubbing against each other and making bigger holes and the robot is getting more glitchy and innacurate.


I got this book for my Kindle over amazon Insectronics: Build Your Own Walking Robot and decided for this to be my first robot project. As i have been dealing with arduino for some time now but mostly building advanced outdoor sensor networks using long range RF. The book has it all from cutting the parts to programming the PIC they used to control the robot. I made a arduino version since i have a lot of arduinos at home.

Future addons:

- Use a arduino nano with a homemade servo shield to downsize the electronics

- Add some kind of sensors so the robot can detect objects that are lower then the Sharp IR

- Adding some personalty to how the robot moves

- Adding a clamp so the robot can pick up objects Video will be up soon

Navigates around the room detecting obstacles and avoiding them.

  • Actuators / output devices: 3 servos
  • Control method: autonomous
  • CPU: Arduino Uno (atmega328)
  • Operating system: Windows 7
  • Power source: 4 AA batteries
  • Sensors / input devices: Sharp IR
  • Target environment: Indoor for now

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Sensor networks

Well this site is only for robots i dont know if i can put up any projects that are not robots.

Something Else

On the “add content” section you can choose “Something else” to add a non-robot page, or even choose “tip or walk through” if you you plan/want to make a tutorial like page.

So yeah, feel free to share all those secrets :slight_smile: