Stepoko controller Z axis completely stopped responding

Hi all! I’m new to this community, and pretty new to the CNC world, so please forgive my ignorance.

I require your help regarding a problem I’m encountering.


Shapeoko 3 (red machine w/ sparkfun microcontroller), Z axis stopped responding in the middle of a cut file, wont home. Can only jog X & Y axis, while Z axis is completely unresponsive and loose (servo not locking like the rest).

Hardware concerned: Controller board not responding and not locking when powered on

Software concerned: No known software issues

Troubleshooting steps already taken: Checked wiring and connections, checked board for any burns, no visual issues found). Tried powering off and disconnecting. Tried resetting the board by pressing the reset button on the microcontroller. No changes. Checked to make sure all homing switches are in working order, they all work, even Z axis throws lock when pressed. Z axis just wont lock or move no matter what. I want to rule out any possible issues before I order a replacement, as they are not that cheap. Please kindly help if you know of this issue!

Additional information: When machine is powered off and I move any of the axis, I see lights flicker on the controller, all axis cause flicker which makes me think they are all connected.

When machine is powered on, X & Y axis lock, but Z axis stays loose (can move with my hand).

Thank you so much in advance for your help!

Hi @Germisius and welcome to our forum!

We are sorry to hear about your problem.

Have you bought the product from RobotShop?

If so, can you please provide your order ID?


Hi! The order number is 520720.

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Hi @Germisius,

We will transfer this topic to our internal support so we can continue with troubleshooting.

This topic was transferred to internal RobotShop Support.