Minimal and optimized version of Raspbian
Think this is a perfect version to start building something from ... you decide what you want to install.
I have used raspbian-ua-netinst as the basis for this distribution, also changed from Debian stable into testing.
t contains no desktop environment.
Fast boot.
About 10s
This can vary depending on what type of sd card you have.
Low RAM usage (Just after the boot).
About 30 M.
Using network-manager.
On network connect the IP will be display on boot screen and to logged in users.
- Mount external drives (USB) automatically to /media
- Mount SSH and windows network drive (smb)
- If you connect a LCD and boot up the raspberry the IP can be configured to appear on the LCD.
- Control, Configure, Connect to WIFI from web browser and command line.
- Easy to extend functionality in Python.
- Connect to a lot of IO hardware
Oh, the Intrigue!!
Let me know your thoughts on this one mate!
Looking for an OS to run on a Pi-based desktop assistant. If this is a good platform I’ll definitely contemplate using it!
Noob-ish question time!
Sorry if this is a stupid question; I’ve never used anything other than Raspbian on my Pis!
This OS looks absolutely brilliant; a nice simple interface.
I am currently working on an idea to use a Pi as the brain for a desktop assistant. I would be looking to create various functions using Python (scripts to send commands via I2C, speech to text, text to speech etc, all called from a main script). Am I right in thinking I would be able to add this main script as an extended function? If so this OS may be perfect for my needs!
Extended function
Glad to hear that you’re thinking of using Steelsquid Kiss OS 
If you upload the script to /opt/steelsquid/python/expand/ it will be imported (executed) when the system boots.
And you can call it from the web inteface if that is what you want.
You can use use this:
if you want to edit the files on your computer and automaticaly upload to Steelsquid Kiss OS.
To learn more you can read this:
Thanks Andreas!
Im seriously going to give this a go over the next few days.
I want to write the main script to be executed ( and have that search a folder of scripts, those scripts adding a new function or service, such as, etc.
Well beyond my skills but cant wait to give it a go!