Steambob Copperpants

Steambob Copperpants. Another implementation of Bob the Biped. Parts printed in red and black ABS and painted with model paint. Took the arms of an old doll and screwed them on. WIP: still have to attach the record and playback module. Space is very much an issue here....... Servo's still need alignement.


Update 250314: This evening Steambob made his first careful steps into the world! Had to replace two servo's that didn't seem to be 100% and removed (for the time being) the hardware connections to the soundchip, but progress is made.

Some minor software adjustments ahead to make it really go forward, though :)

As for now it's more or less moonwalking..............

navigates around via ulttrasound

  • Actuators / output devices: record and playback sound, 4 metal geared micro servo's
  • Control method: autonomous
  • CPU: arduino mini pro
  • Operating system: C
  • Power source: 7.4 Volt Lipo 900mAh
  • Programming language: C
  • Sensors / input devices: HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor
  • Target environment: indoor on smooth surfaces

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at


THIS IS SOOO CUTE! You should have posted a video!



Very cool. I have to agree

Very cool. I have to agree with Master Dan, we would like to see more about the build. Video would be awesome and also I am interested in the way how you painted BoB.


Painting is done with model paint. First of all I melted some straight lines into the ABS with a soldering iron.

Thus trying to create a look like it’s made off small metal “patchwork”.

Sanded away the edges and the painted the whole thing flat black.

On that came a copper colored paint. Not brushed on but put on with a dry brush technique. I don’t know the exact term for it in english, but it comes down to putting a very tiny amount of paint on the brush and then do some ticking with it on the object.

Result should be that the object seems to be made of copper, but heavily eroded