"Start Here" 2.0

Slightly modified "Start Here" bot. Non-cosmetic differences include laser pointer attached near sensor, and a 2 DOF neck which gives it a rudimentary edge detection. The sweeping motion is to try and keep it from driving tangent to an obstacle or ledge and falling off that way. Works fairly well. Headlight for fun. Also, a speaker is attached and plays sounds based on the IR sensor input. The higher the sound, the closer an obstacle. You can tell which way it'll turn if you listen closely, as it always turns towards the more "clear" path when stopped - and thus turns in the direction of the lower sound. Finally, a 6V secondary power source was added.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/start-here-2-0

Nice upgrade

It seems to manage very well with teh risks of wandering on a table :slight_smile: seems to be very careful one. What is that setting of 3 leds?

Brings good memories of starting bot kit I ordered with great inspiration from solarbotics years ago. It must have been well over 100 euros with all the fedex and customs costs :slight_smile:

No i made yesterday a maybe my cheapest "start here bot"ever wiht my children:

estimating the cost

 arduino pro mini, 2 e

 a4988 motor driver, 1.3 e

 Two 12v 30ma metal gear motors with nice pulleys,  6 e

HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor, 1.5 e

Lipo 7.4 450 mah              3e

cables                         0.2 e

wheels, foam    0e :slight_smile:

total 14 e


Theres some difference




The LEDs are just a simple

The LEDs are just a simple board ripped out of a dollar store flashlight. Resistor already in, just plug and play.