Stark Expo unveils the Haztech robot arm by Accutech (Iron Man) | RobotShop Community

You could almost believe it’s a genuine press release from “Stark Industries” but actually it’s a promotion for the film Iron Man 2.

The video, site, company, press releases, photos,… it all seems very real but by taking a closer look you can see that the people in the video look more like acto

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Dear sir, im an independent innovater& also a student od tech,
I have a lot of intrested about exoskeleton , so u plz tell me mir abot Haz-tech exoskeleton ,is it posible for buy(any parts like arm or half body or fully body) as could be posible .
i have also made my own exoskeleton ,
so u please kindly provide me right information about haz -tech exoskeleton.

Regards; azad( INDIA)

@AZad Unfortunately at this time we do not have any exoskeleton systems. We are looking for commercial systems all the time. If you have created your own, we would love to see it - feel free to create a new topic on the RobotShop Forum.

Hello sir , myself Azad ,. (again)
Sorry for delay response,
Kindly please provide me any information about haztech exoskeleton …!

Regards; Azad( INDIA)

The HazTech Exoskeleton is from the movie Iron Man 2 and is not a real exoskeleton suit.

If you want to create a cosplay prop (i.e. “fake” but looks like the original), there are many forums where people describe the reproduction steps using foam and other materials.
If you want to create a functional (i.e. “real” exoskeleton), be prepared to spend tens of thousands of dollars, and in some cases, hundreds of thousands. They are nowhere close to being as capable as what is shown in movies.