Stag 1.0

Hey LMR!


I am new to the LMR community and I am looking forward to learning from you guys and sharing my projects.


This is Stag mark I. Mark I is a basic remote controlled Quad and was built as a proof of concept, it is the first in a series of Quads I am making. Mark I has been disassembled and the parts are being used to build mark II.



Questions, comments/criticism encouraged.


Basic info



I'm sorry this section is so brief. I much prefer building/designing things as opposed to writing about them. However, if there is enough interest in the Stag project I will expand this section.

The servos are Herkulex DRS-0201's from Dongbu robot and are being controlled by a Pandaboard ES via UART.


The body is CNC'd fiberglass










Two videos of the Stag are on youtube, one showing its first steps and another showing an improved gait. I would recommend watching video 2.


Video 1

first steps, bad quality


Video 2

improved gait, ok quality


  • Actuators / output devices: 12x Herkulex DRS-0201
  • CPU: OMAP4460 PandaBoard ES
  • Operating system: Linux
  • Power source: 3S LiPo, 12v tethered
  • Programming language: C++

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Hey, that is some nice work.

Hey, that is some nice work. It moves very quickly and smoothly. No doubt the high quality servos helped with that, but your programming of the walking gaits is very good too.

Nice bot. Welcome to LMR!

Nice work, the second gait

Nice work, the second gait looks a little like BigDog’s, I look forward to seeing more from you. 

Being a bit of a LMR newbie myself, I do not know if I am allowed to welcome you, but welcome to LMR anyway :slight_smile:


Thanks, Bigdog is definitely a large inspiration. How are you a newbie? You have 5 bots under your belt!

Thanks, yeah the servos are

Thanks, yeah the servos are fantastic and I would recommend them to anyone looking to get a smart/serial servo. Gait/dynamics programming is definitely what I enjoy working on most. When my code is in a more user friendly state I will make it available via github or something similar.

Haha, thanks. If you really

Haha, thanks. If you really want to get some I would recommend grabbing a Hovis lite kit. It comes with 16 DRS-0101’s and enough brackets to make whatever you want.

Seems well made. Welcome to

Seems well made. Welcome to LMR!

(Don’t worry, I’m new too)

Cheers right back at you. :slight_smile:

Why, yes, yes I do, BUT, I have only been a member since October. :slight_smile: