Hey LMR!
I am new to the LMR community and I am looking forward to learning from you guys and sharing my projects.
This is Stag mark I. Mark I is a basic remote controlled Quad and was built as a proof of concept, it is the first in a series of Quads I am making. Mark I has been disassembled and the parts are being used to build mark II.
Questions, comments/criticism encouraged.
Basic info
I'm sorry this section is so brief. I much prefer building/designing things as opposed to writing about them. However, if there is enough interest in the Stag project I will expand this section.
The servos are Herkulex DRS-0201's from Dongbu robot and are being controlled by a Pandaboard ES via UART.
The body is CNC'd fiberglass
Two videos of the Stag are on youtube, one showing its first steps and another showing an improved gait. I would recommend watching video 2.
Video 1
first steps, bad quality
Video 2
improved gait, ok quality
- Actuators / output devices: 12x Herkulex DRS-0201
- CPU: OMAP4460 PandaBoard ES
- Operating system: Linux
- Power source: 3S LiPo, 12v tethered
- Programming language: C++
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/stag-1-0