Hi everyone,
I am currently developing a quadruped (picture below, on its stand), equipped with a Teensy 3.6, a SSC32U, ESP8266 wifi and a IMU. I coded a motion sequencer for programming gaits, but I noticed a behaviour from the SSC32U board that I find a bit annoying : when I program a motion with several segments to allow a curved trajectory and a acceleration/deceleration pattern, I have to wait for the motion end before I send the next command string. If not, the SSC32U immediately executes the new command and supersedes the previous ones, even if they have not been executed yet. I think that would make more sense if the SSC32U was “stacking” the commands and performing them in sequence, at least in my case where I want to move several legs simultaneously.
You may argue that this allows to update a motion “on the fly” but at least we could have the choice with some status bit.
Do you guys know if there is some way to change this behaviour ? If not, I will have to change my sequencer and first compute the motion segments for all legs at once so I execute each segments for all 4 legs at the same time.
thanks in advance for your inputs,