SSC-32U powering both rails with one battery

Hi there.

I’m having a little trouble and I’m hoping someone can point me in the right direction. I’m a little confused about the following statement found in the SSC-32U user guide…

"VS1 = VS2 Jumpers

The second half of servo pins numbered 16­ 31 can be powered using the same power source as VS1 by leaving the two VS1=VS2 jumpers in place. There are two jumpers (rather than just one) because of the current involved. Should you want to power the line of servos connected to VS2 separately from VS1, you can remove these two jumpers. If you have the two VS1 = VS2 terminals in place, you can power EITHER VS1 or VS2, but not both."

To me, it looks like it contradicts itself but I could also be reading it wrong. I thought that hooking up a battery to VS1 terminals and leaving the VS1 and VS2 jumpers in place would power both sets of pins. But then it says with the jumpers in place (same as when I received the board), you can power either set of pins, not both.

So, I have my battery connected to VS1 and pins 1 to 15 work fine, but pins 16 to 31 are not working (or don’t seem to be as two servos I have connected to that side are unresponsive). So which is the correct way to connect the battery to the SSC-32U so I can use both sets of pins?


Okay, for some reason, most of my last post has been blanked out. In a nutshell, how do I connect one battery to the SSC-32U so I can use both sets of servo pins? I have read the user guide but I’m still a little confused. I currently have a battery connected to VS1 and the VS1 VS2 jumpers still in place as when it was delivered. I have pins 1 to 15 working, but not the others.

Any help would be appreciated.


Hi Steve,

Indeed, this passage of the manual might not be very clear. We are in the process of updating many of the assembly guides & manuals for the Lynxmotion products and we will take into account your comment.

Now for your question, here are the full details that should resolve this issue (and many others):

To power both rails from one battery, the first step is to have the VS1=VS2 jumpers in place. There was a small issue with the manufacturing of a few batches where the jumpers are not placed properly (rotated 90 degrees), therefore making them useless. Please make sure your jumpers are set like in the image attached.

What this sentence is trying to say is that when the VS1=VS2 jumpers are in place, do not apply 2 power sources (one to VS1 and one to VS2) at the same time. Obviously, that would cause problems. What is also says is that you can connect your one power source to either VS1 or VS2, since the VS1=VS2 jumpers make both power rails one common power rail (electrically speaking).

We hope this makes more sense!

SSC-32U - Jumpers - Correct position.jpg

Lol, I just beat you to it by a couple of minutes. Yeah I zoomed in to the picture on the user guide and compaired it to how the jumpers were placed in my board. Indeed they were incorrectly placed. A quick swap around and all is good. Thanks for you quick reply though Scharette. Myself (and my EZ-B powered Astromech) are very grateful.