SSC-32 Servo Controller

Hi everyone. I’ve a SSC32 servo controller and i want to interfacing atmega 32 with SSC-32…
how i can do??? thanks…

Some of it depends on what you are running on the Atmega. You need to provide the SSC-32 with serial data, typically with Micro-controllers you will use signals that are TTL level (0, 5V). You connect at least two wires between the boards. One is a common ground. The 2nd is from an IO pin on the RX line of the SSC-32. You can see examples of this in the SSC-32 manual( … tm#aglance) These examples are Atom Bot Board 2. You need to connect this to an IO pin on the Atmega 32. If you are lucky and can hook it up to the hardware serial port of the Atmega32, that makes it easier, if not you can use other IO pins, but this will imply that you need software to generate the serial pulses (also often termed bit-bang serial or Software Serial).

You will need software on the Atmega 32 that outputs to whichever IO line you use… There is example code up on the net. Been awhile since I used a 32 so not sure if I have any still lying around. All else fails you can look at the Arduino code and easily convert it to the 32.

Good Luck

Here is where you can find the commands for the ssc-32. … .aspx#serv

if I can combine the basic programing with c programing??

Not that I know of. I never did basic on Atmega so I could be wrong…


ok, thnks…