SSC-32 Commands

is there a comprehensive documentation about the available serial commands of the SSC-32 Servo Controller?
The linked manual doesn’t explain all the commands, as far as I can see.
For example, how to read the firmware version? what does PL do ?


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Hi @tripodsan!

Yes there is. Now, I assume you are actually using the SSC-32U and not an SSC-32 (older, non USB model) since the previous model has been discontinued for a bit. That being said, they are nearly identical when it comes to protocol so it shouldn’t be much of an issue.

You can find most of the relevant information in the SSC-32U manual. That document is full of helpful information! For commands specifically, the main ones can be found on pages 24-26. Pages 27-31 have information on the onboard hexapod sequencer and pages 32-35 contain the advanced functions.

Yes, the SSC-32U manual does not cover all commands. This is mostly because it is focused on its core use in Lynxmotion kits (such as hexapods, quads, arms, etc.) and not all commands were relevant to its core use.

You can read the firmware with command VER. If you are using a SSC-32U you will get version 2.5 USB since that is the only version that was released.

The details of the general purpose sequencer are not in the SSC-32U manual. You can find more information about it here. The command PL can be found under the Sequencer Command and state the following:

I hope this information helps!



thanks a bunch…I also found the manual for the binary commands:

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