SSC-32 and port settings

Having a real difficult time tonight getting the computer to recognize my SSC-32. I have used it in the past week with the same hardware/configurations/etc. Have a Serial to USB adapter (didn’t load the driver before and yet I was able to open it and manipulate servos). Tonight it continually tells me that "Cannot find SSC-32 card. Wait for the Robot - yes or click no to connect to virtual robot. I had been on Com port 3 before, will not work tongiht. I go to device manager and enable Com 3 and it will not work. I try Com 1. Same error message. In Device Manager I finally load the driver that came with the USB-Serial adapter (didn’t have to do that previously and the SSC worked like a charm) and it picks Com 5. So I roll with that, power up the SSC-32 (green light) and then click on SEQ. Immediately I get the "Cannot find SSC-32 card error again.

VS1 terminal has 6.4 V applied and VL Terminal has a 9V battery.

What is frustrating is that everything worked perfectly over the weekend and now it is fighting me. What stupid thing am I doing wrong?

What software are you using to communicate with the ssc-32? When the ssc-32 is reset and it’s light is on, does the light go out when you send something to the ssc-32? What com port does device manager say your serial adapter is using?

I’m using visual sequencer version 1.16. I cannot send anything to the SSC because everytime I bring up the Sequencer programI immediately get the error that it cannot find the SSC-32 card. I have loaded the software for the USB to Serial driver twice. I have gone from Com1, to Com 3 to Com 5 and just now Com6. Everything says the USB to serial connection is good but nothing is finding the SSC-32 card.

Okay it just got weirder!

I have the SSC-32 connected to the PC via a serial to USB connector. I switched off the 9V battery connected to the VL terminal and left the power to VS2 on. Then I accidently touched the 9V terminals back to the connectors and the servo moved. I don’t have the SEQ software open at this time. So I turned off power to the VS2 input, touched the 9V terminals and the servo moved again. When VL is powered the green LED is ON.

So then i take power off of VL and turn on VS2. The light green light comes on and the servo moves about 15 - 20 degrees.

What is going on?

Do you have the jumper removed between VS1 and VL? If not, then that may be a problem using two different power supplies cross connected (the servo moving with only VL being powered from the 9v battery raises the question). Disconnect the servos from the board, only power up VL, and then send something using lynxterm to the ssc-32 and see if the light goes off. I’d trouble shoot using lynxterm as it is simple to use.


I’ll try that and let you know what happens. But why did everything work previously? I have put no jumpers on the board.


I removed the jumper and have the same results. The 6.75 Volts should only be powering the VS1 inputs to the 0 thru 15 servos and the VL input is for power to the brains. Man this is frustrating.

I think the VS=VL jumper comes installed on the board for use of a single power supply connected to the VS1/VS2 inputs. If the VS=VL jumper is left installed and a 9v battery is connected to the VL input, the 9v battery will eventually be drained down to the VS1/VS2 input voltage. You may also have other issues besides this potential one.


Don’t know about that. But I removed the program and reloaded SEQ V1.16 and everything is working good now.

According to the manual, separate power supplies are required for VS1 (power to the servos 0 thru 15) and VL which feeds the BRAIN.

I have a servo connected to output 00 on the SSC-32 and I am getting a full 180 degrees from right to left. I’m using a servo protractor and all is good.

Thanks for your input