Spykee info needed


My name is Eric.  I am new to the board. I am seeking information about Spykee.  I have him in pieces right now on my bench.  I'm looking at his motors and wondering why they have three wires.   At first, I thought maybe they were servos.  I hooked them up to my servo tester and they rotate without speed control.  I then started probing and and was able to drive them with two wires.  So, what's the third wire for? It's not really clear to me by looking at the circuit board traces without ripping it apart further... I'd rather not.  Has anyone out there hiked this mountain before?  My goal with this is to piggy back an Arduino onto Spykee and be able to toggle motor control between the Arduino and the GUI using one of the LED's. This way I'll be able to build up an autonomous platform to dink around with sensors and learn programming.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you.


Spykee info needed

Mystery solved.  Using a light behind the circuit board allowed me to see underneath the silk screening.  I figured out that the black wires, common to both motors are grounding for RF shielding purposes. So, now using my relay shield, I can toggle motor control between the GUI and my UNO.