Spot X

Spot X is my latest robot, but the first I've submitted here. The X stands for 10, because he's the 10th in a series of little robots I've built under the 'Spot' name. He's a 4x4 stepper motor powered skid steer robot used for education and fun. I've been doing a robotics unit with my students and decided I needed to get a wireless robot going, so this is the result. Likes: Electricity Dislikes: Deep sand, trees, loose gravel, wheels falling off, tumbling head over heels down a steep incline. He's not complete yet because I still have to finish programming him, but the main drive functions are all go. There should be a link to my main info pages somewhere nearby, so if you're interested, drop by for a visit.

It drives around pretty much everywhere

  • Actuators / output devices: piezo speaker, 4 x PM55L stepper motors, serial LCD
  • Control method: 433 wireless remote control with user selectable autonomous crash mode
  • CPU: PIC 16f628a, additional PICs used for LCD, radio TX/RX, sensor board and motor control
  • Operating system: none
  • Power source: 12v SLA
  • Programming language: PIC Basic
  • Sensors / input devices: bumper switches (8), dinsmore compass
  • Target environment: Indoor or outdoor

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i like it

reminds me of the mars rover just the way it moves