Spherical Pendulum Robot Ball From Scratch


This will be a page where I'll share progress on developing a pendulum robot ball. At the moment I don't now much more than an hour of research. 

My plan is to 
Do a CAD drawing in Inventor 
3D print a prototype.

At the end maybe make a bigger all terrain size: 
I found a place which makes acrylic spheres (big sizes) 

This PDF document is the best I've found so far on the subject for different designs:

If anyone hold information or want to share suggestions/knowledge then feel free. 

All information I find, will be shared on this page, including CAD files.  


I don't like to edit my documents pictures etc with this user interface, therefore I've made a google docs with can be viewed - Check it out - when it'll be updated and shared

Log book:

5th of August:

Spend more time researching, looking at patents, drive mechanism, shapes, different types of drive / turning options tomorrow will I try to sketch out a few possible designs - probably not in details yet.