Sp-D2 (Steampunk R2-D2)

Sp-D2 was built in January 2016. He was not motorized, but I have plans to motorize him soon. He was built by the Alliance of Droids and will be the template for some of our companion robots.
My uncle Ian, who lives in Mount Beauty (Victoria, Australia), let me use some of his spare parts for the robot. He has a telescope, a seat, some badges, a security camera, and lots more.
Please visit the link I provided to see the build log and process of turning him into the companion robot.

Telescope, Takes Photos, Records (Security Camera)

  • Target environment: indoors, Outdoors

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/sp-d2-steampunk-r2-d2


Something seems off with the image upload - it’s really small. Can you re-upload a larger version? Really would like to see it in more detail.