Source for a USB PICAXE-28X1 Starter Pack

Does anybody know where on teWeb I can find a USB Picaxe 28X1 Starter Pack that's in stock and available in the US. Solarbotics lists them, but they're out of stock (and out of stock on the SHR robot bundle). HVW Technologies, a division of Solarbotics operating out of the same building, says that they do have it in stock, but then I discover that they're both in Calgary, so shipping costs approximately 30% of the cost of the product. (Presumably their shipments are not being affected by the current Canadian mail strike.) Anyway, all I want to do is buy a USB Picaxe 28X1 Starter Pack. It doesn't seem as though it should be that hard to find.

Thanks for any advice.

Found it. Thanks.

I found it at the RobotShop. Thanks.