Source Code For Starters?

Having trouble coming up with the programming code for my bot…I need a basic running platform to add more sensor objects to…it probably sounds strange but when the code is in front of me it’s easier to modify and write new code when I can study the code already running on my machine…much like correcting a sentence written in spanish rather that coming up with the sentence to begin with…make sense??? Hope so…using the OOPic II+ with superdroid expansion board, sabertooth 2x10 motor controller…sharp IR, PING))) sonar sensors…any help would be appreciated…


steve b.

come on now…someone must have a place to start…??? No???

You need to tell us what kind of controller you are using and we can probably point you to some sample code.

Here is what he said:


sorry guys…sometimes the most obvious eludes me…OOPic II+, would love to program in basic…sabertooth 2x10 motor controller, and ping))) sonar sensor…


steve b