Hello, everyone, I need help regarding a robot with a sound sensor inside the library. I need possible parts and code. My plan is that the robot(on a table) would send a signal back to another robot on the librarian’s desk. then the librarian would know what table was loud and will send off the noisy students.
Hello @Rence and welcome to the forum!
Do you want to build a robot or is it enough with a microcontroller and the necessary sensors for your project?
If you are ok with just using a microncontroller I suggest getting an Arduino because it is great for begginers and you will be able to find lots of information on how to use it as well as code samples. Here’s one example:
For that you will need an Arduino and a sound sensor, for eample, this one:
For sending the information to another robot you could use Bluetooth or WIFI, so you will need a module for that too, you can find some here. A good option could be this one:
And maybe you could use a phone instead of another robot to receive the data, here’s a tutorial for that in case you are interested:
Finally, in case you are looking for some Robots inspiration you could check out the Robots section where lots of members of the community share their own projects.
I hope that information can help you out
Thanks for the help and huge amount of effort! but I forgot to say I’m experienced with Arduino and yes I will build a robot. the robot will be on a table and a group of students will sit on the table and be told to get out of the library if they are loud for quite a while. the thing I need the robot to do(or accurately the sensor) is to listen to a noisy sound for quite a while(maybe using the function millis() ) and then send or output the data that the students are loud via Bluetooth(i think I will use Bluetooth thanks for the suggestion) to another robot on the desk of the librarian then the librarian will tell the students on the table to get out of the library.
Also, I forgot to say I have an Arduino kit and a sound sensor.
Hi @Rence You idea sounds cool
We are looking forward to see your robot working
Once when it is finished, you can post it in our Robots section.
Great! It sounds like you have a lot of it figured it out but maybe this guide could come in handy
I hope to see your project in the Robots section once it’s finished and as I said before I suggest checking that section out to find some inspiration for the looks of the robot.
Just an idea, it would be cool if the robot in the table could warn the students, maybe give them two warnings before the librarian kicks them out haha, you could use a simple display for that.
Let us know if you need any more guidance or suggestions and good luck!
i’ll definitely think about posting it in the robots section but it might take a long time until the robot is finished
Yes i would remember to ask for help and thanks for all you’ve done for me!
Hello everyone i have an update. I would like to ask for any link or sources regarding the nrf24 radio.
Hi there!
Are you referring to a specific product or in general?
Also, I think it would be better if you create a new topic
I recommend the ReSpeaker Mic Array v2.0 for this task. There is also the option to use ODAS with this array.