Something silly to smile about


Just a bit of fun...

Frontpage worthy material

Hey Kelpy thanks!

Would you please tag your Youtube entry with LMR, letsmakrobots, robot. That way your work will be magically linked to any other video that follows this tagging convention.

Thank again!

WICKED! :smiley:

WICKED! :smiley:

Thanks fritsl.

I thought you may like it :wink:

Hey rik.

Tags duly changed - I forgot doh!

Kelpy, thats pretty good!

Kelpy, thats pretty good!

I can’t believe you guys

have put my little video on the front page!

I’ve just seen it. That is such an honour. Thank you. :slight_smile:

Awsome video! My brother is

Awsome video! My brother is really into anamation; what program was this made in? 

Time to come clean :wink:

I used this