Some questions from a beginner

Hi Everyone,

First, thanks for taking the time to read the forum and answer questions from new guys. I know it's sometimes a pretty thankless task, despite being very time consuming!

The site looks like an excellent resource, and when I have the time I shall read it more thoroughly. In the meantime I have some quite simple questions about a robot that I'd like to build.

The robot is to be controlled by bluetooth - I'm happy to sort everything out on the controller end of things - it's just the robot part that I have the questions about. Hopefully this is where you come in.

So in no particular order here are my short questions!

1. How much does a bluetooth receiver chip cost? It has to be able to interface with a mobile phone.

2. Would it be possible to scavenge the above from a phone?

3. If yes to 2) I assume it would be surface mount - what is the easiest way of using surface mount package with a breadboard?

4. For microcontroller selection: which microcontrollers work best with bluetooth? Or does it not matter?

That'll do to start off with! Sorry if any of these questions are too open-ended or don't make sense!

Thanks in advance,



  1. Sparkfun prices. Do not believe that interfacing to a phone is easy, as it would require that phone to be programmable in some way.
  2. Not likely.
  3. - Surface mount to dip adapters would work, but not likely to salvageunits from phone.
  4. Does not matter, as the BLuetooth usually goes to a serila interface that many micros support.



I’ve been looking at this as
I’ve been looking at this as well. Since I have access to some devices I’ve been planning on looking at what I’d be able to do in terms of development. I think it would be cool to control a bot from a phone… :smiley:

**How “Beginner” are you? **
Give us an idea of background. Have you coded, soldered, built a circut? How about a blinking LED? Where are you at?