Solved - LM35 Temperature sensor

I got my DF robotshop rover a few weeks ago and have been playing around with the temp sensor. I’ve seen the questions posted about how to read the LM35 temp sensor; but no real answers.

Here’s how to read the values:
Degres Centigrade = (analogRead(a1) / 1024) * 500
Degres Fahrenheit = (analogRead(a1) / 1024) * 900 + 32

If that sounds too simple, here’s how I got there:

  • The chip’s spec sheet show .01 V/ deg C output.
    This means that the sensor puts out a value of about 52-56 at room temp based on the AtMega’s “normal” readings of analog inputs. This means that the analog inputs see a value of 54 based on 1024 pieces of resolution on a 5v signal.

I’ll break down the readings further:
56 ([sensor reading]) / 1024 (full signal)
= 56/1024 * 5 volts
= .2734ish volts (actual sensor output if you read directly with multimeter)

If we know the sensor puts out .01V/deg, that means it is about 27 degrees C in the room (81 F).

I simplify the longhand equation:
([sensor reading]/1024) * 5 / .01
([sensor reading]/1024) * 500
and that will read Degrees Centegrade

And for Fahrenheit I blend in the C to F conversion (F = C * 9 / 5 + 32):
([sensor reading]/1024) * 5 / .01 * ( 9 / 5 ) + 32
([sensor reading]/1024) * 900 + 32

The readings still sound high, but I verified them against my infrared temperature sensor. The board seems to run about 7-10 degrees hotter than the room :frowning:

Well done - seems logical. Do you have the rover running while you take the readings? If yes, the sensor is close to the motor controller, which gets hot. If not, can you include a “fudge factor” (-7 or -10) in the equation? The temperature sensor is not very accurate by any standards, but it does give people something to play with to understand analog sensors.