Solidworks Sprocket models

Does anyone have models of the tread sprockets for solidworks? I’m trying to design a rover and these would help very much.

Thanks in advance,

I have a “sort-of” model of the 6-link sprocket in Alibre. I can output it in STEP format. I say “sort-of” because I was too lazy to model the teeth. I have a solid disk where the teeth should be.

I was thinking about doing the same thing in SolidWorks, then I realized that I’m not an ME and don’t really know what I’m doing… so it’d probably be wrong :blush:

Most of the 3D Models here are now available in STEP 214 and IGES formats. You should download those and import them into Solid Works if there is not already a native format model you can use. Solid Works is a $5,000.00+ software package and you won’t find many of us using it here unless it is from work. I think Alibre Design is becoming the main (or at least a popular) choice for 3D CAD amongst Lynxmotion users now. :slight_smile:


Sorry Dale but I think that is a pretty big leap. :confused:
People here, across the board, use a wide variety of CAD tools also including SolidWorks, ProE, Rhino3D, AutoCAD, and several other less common ones. This is why the models in the Servo Erector Set 3-D Models page has so many different formats available for each part.

On topic, I have sent the sprocket models I have built in Rhino3D to a couple of people now in IGES or Step format. Since they don’t seem to have made them available in other formats I am guessing either it was too complicated to check them for accuracy or there is no simple way to convert them. :frowning:


Note that I said “is becoming” and not “is.” :smiley:


Dale, you just wish that Alibre was the standard :stuck_out_tongue: You do know it still uses a Microsoft Java Machine that was announced End of Life back in 2004, and officially discontinued Dec 31st last year?

That and I hear that Alibre has a lot of cool ‘features’, but none of them work well (they are all buggy). At least that is the impression i get from the forums.

And to the rest of you! You all know the rules. :tsktsk Models go Beth (Snailkeeper) for inclusion on the website, not get distributed around!

I have modeled the sprocket for the tri track kit in Solid Edge, I can save it to various file formats (parasolid, IGES etc) if anyone is still interested. I have modeled the whole tri track assembly as well.

Please email them to [email protected] for inclusion in the SES 3D models page. Your contribution is greatly appreciated! :smiley:

Would you mind uploading these SolidEdge models somewhere? It would greatly help me with my project right now. Thanks!


Does anyone have igs, stl or solidworks model for the chassis parts of the tri track kit?
I am getting it for x-mas but would like to do the PCB layout ,IR and camera servo mounting setup before it comes.

many thanks.