Solar Centipede

Solar centipede

I´m at the moment working on this centipede.
My plan is to putt a solar cell on it´s back and let it walk around and enjoy the summer.


This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

That thing looks pretty amazing. Menacing even. I am lots wanting of Moving Pictures! Vids!


Another walking/crawling robot! Can’t wait to see it move!

Maybe you have other pictures, to see his size for example?

By the looks of the picture

By the looks of the picture he is very impressive. I’m also interested in seing it from a different angle.

Looking forward to more.

Love it!
Love it! Is mechanical part custom made or hacked from somewhere?

Gakken Mechamo Centipede video
go here to for more detail Gakken Mechamo Centipede

a ton of metal is hard to
a ton of metal is hard to move by sunlight, have fun :wink: